With the Divine Blessings of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Radio Sai went on air for the first time on November 23, 2001. It was inaugurated by Bhagawan Baba as a channel of the World Space Satellite Radio service. Radio Sai has over the years grown into an Internet Radio streaming service offering six different, 24/7 streams - Asia, Afri, Ameri, Telugu, Discourse and Bhajan Stream.
Asia, Afri, Ameri streams offer programmes specific to the time zones of the three continents (Asia, Africa and America respectively). The Bhajan Stream plays bhajans 24 hours a day, while the Discourse Stream is a 24 hour channel that offers the many discourses delivered by Baba over the years.
The newest channel added to the service in June 2011 is the Telugu Stream which offers programmes in Telugu, which is the native language of the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh, where Bhagawan Baba made His advent. It is also the language in which Baba delivered almost all His talks. ... read more
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