Moroccan artists hailing from old medinas conferred upon art a double legitimacy: Handmade art that gives birth to exceptional items and objects and the Art of words that brought to life a corpus which constitutes the essence of Malhoun. We might refer to this as “the composed, though every piece of music is a composition in itself. But maybe here we are talking about music that is made up of daily words. These words are neither scholarly nor learned. Yet, they exude a confusing dialect simplicity. They deal with almost every aspect of life: Love, women, nature, jewels, spring, gastronomy, sufferings, happiness, faith, etc. Everything is weighed through the balance of pleasures and delights; it is a world marked by openness, curiosity, tolerance, and above all singularity. Meknès, Salé, Fès, Marrakech, Algiers, Tlemcen, etc. All these cities still reverberate with this music of brotherhood and love. ... read more
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