I started My Generation Radio back in 1996 when to get online you had to make a long distance trunk call and the maximum internet speed was 14,400 bits per second!
Now there are four shows a week – Rock with Dark Side Of The Moon, A general more modern show, The Gary Jackson Experience, and the self explanatory Sounds Of The 70s, in addition to My Generation.
The shows are now being broadcast by affiliates from as far away as Tasmania, New Zealand, Las Vegas and San Francisco. Oh, and Swindon. Around 50-60 stations in all.
In recent years the vast majority of 60s acts have retired or worse, as have many of the fans and it’s reached the point where mainstream radio simply cannot bring in the advertising revenue to support a major station playing music this old.
It’s time for My Generation to take a step forwards so here is the radio station! ... read more
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