HUB Radio

Thanks for checking out the HUB Radio Network! We are a community radio and podcast network sponsored by RockPile Church in Marble Falls, TX, though the various shows on the air and online are brought to you by many various people and multiple churches from different denominations and backgrounds from around the area. Our goal is to be thought provoking, sometimes humorous, consistently uplifting, and always real. The various hosts on the HUB will not always share the same theology and views (as there are many people and churches involved), but our goal is to always point to Christ and to help build His kingdom here in our beautiful section of the Hill Country.

In addition to music, there will be shows about pop-culture, recordings of sermons and services, theology, Christian living, interviews of locals and local businesses (both Christian and otherwise), and more… so please always listen with an open mind, and a discerning spirit. So you’ve been warned: You may not agree with every thing you hear… though we hope that, ultimately, it draws more people toward God.

…and now for the disclaimer:

The views and shows (and theological views) that may be expressed on 101.9 or the HUB do not necessarily always reflect those of RockPile Church.

Hopefully this station blesses you, thanks for listening and being a part of the network!

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